
Agrivolatic Featured Project

Melnik Farm

Leeds, MA
25kW DC
Leafy Greens, Watermelon

"Underneath the array, Pat has been able to graze horses, bee keep, and grow a variety of fruits and veggies ranging from watermelon to squash."

— Jake Marley

Horses grazing and taking shade under the solar arrayPat Melnik’s dual-use array is a 25kW DC system installed in 2012. Pat installed the array to offset his home power needs without taking any of his land out of production.

The agrivoltaic array is above half pasture area and half family garden area. Pat has allowed his neighbor’s horses to graze the perennial grasses beneath the array. The horses have not had any issues interacting with the system.

Pat has successfully grown a variety of crops beneath his array. From leafy greens like lettuces to sun loving crops like watermelon, Pat has been pleasantly surprised by how compatible the array is with his goals of food production and renewable energy generation.